четвер, 19 липня 2012 р.

Port of Jacksonville gains new service to Europe, Middle East and Africa - Jacksonville Business Journal:

And while many shipping companies are uprootinbg their services due to the international trade slump, the Port of Jacksonville has gainedd three services after losing one. That translatea to two ships calling on the newTraPac Inc. containet terminal weekly and anotherf calling weekly ona yet-to-be-determines terminal. The terminal’s parent company, , has added three services, bringin two ships weekly to the terminal. The new services — CNY, APX and NYX open up Jacksonville to newAsian markets, such as Soutjh Korea and Japan, and strengthen container servicd to Europe.
The growing African market can be furtherr tapped by Jacksonville since the African shippinbg trade lanes connect with the European portes of call on the APX French shipper pulled out of the New World Alliance with causing it to end its service April 27. But the France-based shipping company “beefed up” its commitment to the port by adding a weekly service that headzs up the East Coast from Jacksonvillde and thento Morocco, and Jebel Ali, Dubai, said Roy senior director of trade development and global marketing for the .
The nine CMA-CGn ships, which can each handle about 5,100 twenty-foot equivalent or TEUs, a container measurementr standard, will be the largest the port has receivefd through aregular service. Schleichefr estimated the largest ship that regularly calls on the port can handleaboutf 4,500 TEUs. He said the Port of Jacksonville worksfor CMA-CGMj because of the shipping company’s stronvg emphasis on refrigerated cargo and Jacksonville’se access to poultry and citrus Plus, CMA-CGM’s car export business to West Africq mirrors the port’s own.
The CMA-CMG ships will pass througyh the Gulf of Adennear Somalia, whichn has been recently subjected to a rash of pirate Earlier this month, the captainh of the Maersk Alabama was rescued by the U.S. Navy after he was held hostagse following the capture ofhis ship.

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