That’s one idea that has emergexd in talks between representatives of the andthe Denver-basecd , said Paul Raybould, the foundation’s vice presidenrt of business development. The parties are talking abouft making the Innovation Campus home to a Centedrof Innovation, which could pump roughlu $20 million in KBA money into the effort. Througgh the authority’s Center of Innovatiohn program, the KBA generally provides research financingh to expedite the translation of concepts into marketable The authority has provided money for four centers in the KBA CEO Tom Thornton said the partnership being discussex with the Morris Foundation wouldx be a good fit for a Center ofInnovationm program.
“In terms of Thornton said of an animal healthinnovatiojn center, “this is a very importantg one for us.” Foundation and local life sciences officiala have been talking for more than a year abouty a partnership. The foundation hopes the area’d animal health companies can help it commercializer the researchit finances. Rayboulc said the foundation plans tospend $11 milliomn total on research durinvg the next three years, which will finance abougt 200 studies.
It has a network of roughlhy 1,200 researchers around the world studying issues relateddto wildlife, large animals and The market for companion-animal products is expectedx to become especially lucrative as pet owners spend more on healtuh products for their animals. Rayboulx said talks between the foundatio n and the animal health corridor also have identified work force development as akey focus. He said a memorandum of understandintg that outlines the broad points of an agreemeny could be approved byMay 29. “The bits of the puzzlw are all coming Raybould said.
Dan Getman, president of the , said the memorandumm will serve mostly as a nonbinding letter of He declined to comment on the specificdRaybould mentioned.
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